Monday, November 5, 2007

Proof That God Does Not Exist

If the laws of physics and mathematics are correct and there are more than four dimensions (three spacial and one time), then god is not a mystical and all-powerful spirit, but merely a biological being that exists in more dimensions than we do. Think of this analogy: consider us humans as existing on a two dimensional piece of paper and a higher dimensional being taking our place in the three dimensions outside the paper. With no interference from the higher dimensional being, we can move around and live our lives like normal. But if the other being was to draw a square around us, we would be forever trapped because we can only move left, right, up, and down, not forward and backwards and we need to move forward to get around the square. This being can then pick us up and move us to a location outside the square or even onto another piece of paper. The being has then preformed what religion would call a "miracle" but what this being has really done is simply move us from one location to another, just as we can move a pencil from one location to another. Once this being has moved us through another set of dimensions, we cannot comprehend what has happened because we do not experience these dimensions on a regular basis and we do not have anything to compare them to.

Now think of us as three dimensional creatures experience our normal four dimensions, a being experiencing five or six or more dimensions (up to either ten or twenty-four different dimensions because of certain laws of physics) can manipulate us and the dimensions that we live in, but we cannot know whats happening and we cannot manipulate them. It then follows that we cannot really know what the shape of the universe is and that our concept of infinity cannot really be understood by us as long as we only experience these four dimensions because they are governed by more than just the dimensions we live in. God is then just another being living and experiencing more dimensions than us and capable of manipulating us. Relative to us, he is all powerful simply because he can do things that we cannot comprehend but relative to him and other beings of his number of dimensions, he is just doing normal things and he is not all powerful. More so, there are beings that are above him but still not gods in the religious sense of the word. It also means that there are more than one being of higher dimensions that manipulate us. This would explain all of the religions that exist and that have ever existed and why some of those "gods" do not exist today. The gods that have disappeared, i.e. the Greek and Roman gods, have actually died or moved on to manipulate other creatures.

Following this, the soul does not exist because its only importance is to religion. Morality, ethnics, and even the concept of right and wrong do not exist because they are merely the results of men trying to coerce other men into following their religion and without religion and its heaven and hell, they do not hold any coherent value. Once we do "die," we move on, or grow, to another, higher dimension and that means that it does not matter what happens in this life or if we are "good" or "bad" because everyone dies and everyone would move on to a higher dimension. This also means that the beings we think of as gods were once just like us and that they began at some point and they will end at some point as well. Following this, all religions are false in the sense that their gods are everlasting or even the mysterious, all powerful beings they are believed to be. No god is all powerful or omnipotent because those terms in and of themselves are paradoxes. If you are omnipotent, then can you create a rock so heavy that even you cannot lift it? If you are omnipotent, then you can create a rock so heavy that you cannot lift it, but it also means that you are powerful enough to lift it.

Therefore, what religions believe to be a god is truly just a creature that experiences a higher number of dimensions that we do. These creatures are no different than us except that they have been around longer than we have and they have grown into a higher number of dimensions than we have. Nothing can be omnipotent (not even us once we reach the last dimension) because to be truly omnipotent, you have to be able to stop your own inevitable death and demise.

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